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CLIL for Subjects Primary 17-18
Our course for bilingual teachers CLIL for Subjects is about to finish. We have shared two face to face sessions on 30th January and 28...

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018
Escuela de verano 2018
These are the great materials of our summer CLIL course in Burgos, produced by Mandy McLoughlin.
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018
Paula García
Your task: Plan a cross-curricular mini-project. Your
mini-project should incorporate some of the techniques you have seen on the
course so far. Complete the table below.
Topic and project title
The water cycle (Natural Science)
Your subject area: How will the project fit with your
The water cycle is one of the curricular annual contents
for 3º Primary grade in Natural Science subject
Who are you doing the project with?
This project is suitable for students of 3º grade
Learning objectives
Distinguish different types of water:
fresh water and salt water.
Seeing the differences between the
states of water: liquid, solid and gas.
Knowing the importance of water for
our daily life.
Discovering that water is
continuously changing its place in nature.
Anticipated problems (and solutions)
There are two grade repeaters with several difficulties
with the foreign language.
I will adapt all the water cycle’s language in a more
simple way for them to be able to understand the whole process.
Teach your mini-project. Reflect on how it went. Be prepared
to give feedback.
Group and date taught
3º grade. February 2018.
What did you do?
Happy Learning video.
This is the water cycle
wheel. If you turn the first part, you will see the different parts of it:
condensation, precipitation…
This is a sheet of paper to
work on the water cycle processes: transpiration, condensation, evaporation,
accumulation and precipitation. This way we can connect the Arts & Crafts
lesson with Natural Science’s one.
Experiment: I will bring an
ice, a match, a bottle and a balloon. I will saw the students the three
states using examples.
What went well
Every activity went well, but
what they liked most is the experiments activity in wich they saw how ice melts
and becomes liquid water and how that bottle heats and the balloon gets
filled with gas.
Even the students with
problems with foreign language could attend the lesson, because it’s mostly
visual methodology.
Reflection for future
What needed improvement/changes and
We can try to think an easier
way to do the experiment, because the time we spent until the bottle heated,
was more than what I expected at the beginning.
What would you change considering
level, age or other factors
I find the activities very
suitable for students in this grade, but it is also possible to do it in the
2º and 4º grades, adapting the language used and changing the 3 activity for
another one with more simple vocabulary.
learning video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5gFI3pMvoI
water cycle wheel
Elena Pérez Barrioluengo
Teach your mini-project. Reflect on how it went. Be prepared
to give feedback.
Group and date taught
5th grade
14th and 15th February (Science)
16th February (Arts)
What did you do?
The textbook I use in class
is Natural Sciences 5 Primary. Oxford Educación.
My project consists of
including these activities learnt in the CLIL course in the lessons.
Lesson 1: How are sources of energy classified?
What is energy?
Wall-crawl: Renewable energies
Lesson 2: How are sources of energy
Running dictation: Non-renewable energy sources
Lesson 3: Think-pair-share: advantages of renewable energies
Design a poster of
renewable energies
What went well
Running dictation: I chose a short passage from
the science book. I put the copies up around the walls of the classroom. I
put the students in pairs. The aim is for one of the students in each pair to
walk (or run!) to read the passage on the wall. They remember some of the
passage and walk (or run!) back to their partner. It was a great way to
practice spelling and pronunciation, also a great memory training!
Reflection for future
What needed improvement/changes and
They need more practice on silence discussions. It was their
first time and they didn´t really know what to write down to answer the
question: What is energy?
What would you change considering
level, age or other factors
I would change the question
for the silence discussion: Where do we get energy from?
1. How do we get hydroelectric energy?
2. What holds water in a reservoir?
3. Where do we get wind energy from?
4. What transforms solar energy into
electrical energy?
5. Give an example of a:
• Solid biofuel:
• Liquid biofuel:
• Gas biofuel:
6. Where are biofuels burned to produce heat
in homes?
Laura Fernández y Diego García
Your task: Plan a cross-curricular mini-project. Your
mini-project should incorporate some of the techniques you have seen on the
course so far. Complete the table below.
Topic and project title
Bees make honey.
Your subject area: How will the project fit with your
In English, we are in the didactic unit of the farm, so we
decided that our mini-project was going to be related with it, focusing on
the bees, how they work, and their importance in our planet.
Who are you doing the project with?
The subjects that are going to be included in the
mini-project are English, Arts and Music (which are our bilingual subjects).
Learning objectives
To know about bees, how they live and work to make honey.
The importance of bees in our planet.
There is…/There are…
Abstract art
Know different types of music.
Anticipated problems (and solutions)
Make flashcard with the vocabulary they will need to
express themselves.
Find a big wall to make the drawing.
Teach your mini-project. Reflect on how it went. Be prepared
to give feedback.
Group and date taught
2º Primary, 20th
and 21st February
What did you do?
-Question: What would happen
if bees disappear of the planet? (driving question). They have to go home and
ask their parents, or find information with them, so in the next lesson, we
start giving different answers to the question.
-We start answering the
question, and they draw their answer in a piece of paper, so we can have them
in the class.
-Video: Bees make honey
(Oxford Rooftops- 2nd Primary). We
show them flashcards with some of the words of the video ( four words:
flower, bee hive, bee keeper, honey). We also bring honey to taste it.
-With a screen of the video,
we use “See, think, wonder” to let
them talk about the video. We also work
“there is.... “ “there are....” structures. We have the structures on the
wall, so they have to use them to explain the picture.
-Activities about the video.
Think, pair, share technique.
to bees, we are going to listen to the “Flight of the Bumblebee”, and ask
them what do they think about it.
finish, we are making an abstract drawing. They have to imagine that they are
bees flying while they listen to music, and they have to represent the flight
with different colours in a big piece
of paper.
What went well
Motivation because of a
different way of learning.
They worked really well in
They were really interested
on the topic, and wanted to learn more about it.
Reflection for future
What needed improvement/changes and
We realized that we could
have extended the mini-project, and involve some other subjects. For example,
we can use this topic to make maths problems, we can make a bigger investigation
in science, even if it is not a bilingual subject, ...
Working in groups is still
difficult for them, because they start talking to each other before thinking
the activities on their own.
We were a bit short of time.
What would you change considering
level, age or other factors
In higher levels, we would
increase the difficulty of the structures used and the amount of vocabulary.
They would also have to find
information about bees on their own, from a list of web pages given by the
Instead of drawing the
answers, they would have to write it down.
Beatriz Portugués
Click on the link below the picture to see the whole task.
M. Luisa García
Age group and subject
task: 4th grade, Science.
Your task: Plan a cross-curricular mini-project. Your
mini-project should incorporate some of the techniques you have seen on the
course so far. Complete the table below.
Topic and project title
Your subject area: How will the project fit with your
Natural Science and Arts.
In these areas the students will be able to learn
different things about plants .
Who are you doing the project with?
I’m doing the cross- curricular project on my own.
Learning objectives
.To recognise the
parts of the plant.
.To describe the processes of nutrition and respiration.
Anticipated problems (and solutions)
Problem : understanding
how plants make their own food.
Solution: Explaining the process of photosynthesis.
Teach your mini-project. Reflect on how it went. Be prepared
to give feedback.
Group and date taught
4th grade
.14 th and 16 th February.(science
.16th February
What did you do?
The book I use is Natural
Science 4 Primary. Richmond . Santillana
My project consist of
including these activities learnt in the CLIL course I the lessons.
Lesson 1: : How can
identify the different parts of the
Bingo : Parts of the plant.
crawl: Amazings things about
living things.
Lesson 2 : Why plants are
essential to our life?
.Work in pairs : To learn how plants breathe and make their food.
Lesson 3 : Make
a poster using
leaves to create different
What went well
Bingo : The students write in their notebooks six parts of the plant. I say the meaning of the words, for example
:The part of the plant that absorbs water (root)…,they have to cross out the
different words . The first that cross out all the words win the game. It is
a great way to practice listening and memory.
Reflection for future
What needed improvement/changes and
I have to give them easier
texts on wall-crawl. Because it is
very difficult for them to look for information in this type of texts.
What would you change considering
level, age or other factors
I would give them shorter
-Why is size important for living things?
-Which living thing is the largest on Earth?
-What type of organism are the smallest living things on Earth ?
-Which of these living thingscan be harmful
to people?
_Which is the most common aquatic plant?
-Plants can be used for food, wood
,--------------,--------------- and ----------------.
-Most modern medicines are made in
-When you have a cold ,
drinking------------------- can provide relief.
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